
  • Luciano Henrique Trindade IFSP
  • Moisés Figueiredo da Silva Uninove


Educação, Educação não formal, Educação popular, Inovação, Escotismo, Pedagogia ativa


Scouting is a century-old educational youth movement that currently brings together over 40 million followers in more than 200 countries. Its main objective is to offer ethical and participative citizens in their communities. A branch of Brazilian Scouting is aimed at integrating young people aged 18 to 21 into the adult world: the Pioneers. The present work aims to describe the educational program of the Pioneers and discuss its contribution to the ethical formation of young adults which, despite being a century-old movement, presents very contemporary and innovative elements when compared to traditional formal education. The result found is that the Pioneer model constitutes an interesting and innovative approach to active pedagogy for the non-formal education of young adults and their ethical formation.

Author Biographies

Luciano Henrique Trindade, IFSP

D. Sc.  in Business Administration from the University of São Paulo. Pedagogue specialized in Psychopedagogy. Professor at IFSP - Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo.

Moisés Figueiredo da Silva, Uninove

Master's degree in Smart and Sustainable Cities at UNINOVE. Social educator


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How to Cite

Trindade, L. H., & da Silva, M. F. (2023). : UM MODELO INOVADOR DE FORMAÇÃO ÉTICA PARA JOVENS ADULTOS ESCOTEIRO. Revista De Inovação E Tecnologia - RIT, 13(2), 46–56. Retrieved from