Enade, Bloom's Taxonomy, academic performance, educational assessmentAbstract
The ENADE study project aims to improve student performance through structured preparation focused on analyzing questions from previous editions of the exam. The proposal is based on the premise that a continuous and planned approach, aligned with understanding the structure of the exams and resolution strategies, can significantly increase students' chances of success. The project involves both reviewing essential content for professional training and employing resolution techniques, such as carefully reading the alternatives and eliminating incorrect options. Launched in 2020, the project began with the analysis of the last three ENADE exams and the adaptation of questions to the content of each course, with weekly classes focused on graduating students. However, due to the pandemic, the exam was postponed, and student participation was low, leading to underwhelming results. In the following years, despite the continuation of the project, challenges such as low student participation and the adaptation to the question format impacted the outcomes. In 2024, the project expanded to involve all students and faculty at the institution, including weekly interventions in classes, online mock exams, and the use of WhatsApp groups to reinforce study efforts. Despite the challenges, progress was evident, and the growing student participation indicated that the project has the potential to enhance student preparation for ENADE.
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