Transtorno do Espectro Autista
o desenvolvimento do ser integrado
Transtorno do espectro autista, Gestalt-terapia, intervenção terapêutica. Inclusão.Abstract
The general objective of the article is to understand the autism spectrum disorder and the intervention process from the perspective of Gestalt therapy. To achieve this objective, a bibliographic research methodology was used, which included the analysis of books and articles on academic and scientific websites selected from electronic databases such as: Scielo and PePSIC in the years 2014 to 2021. The study was based on a qualitative approach and focused on understanding the autism spectrum disorder and how Gestalt therapy can be applied in the therapeutic intervention process. The article provides a review of the literature on autism spectrum disorder, presents the fundamental principles of Gestalt therapy and forms of therapeutic intervention from the perspective of Gestalt therapy.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Henrique Cota da Silva, Jane Nogueira Lima, Fernando José Lopes, Daiane Marques Schincaglia, Vanessa Benedeti Morales Santos, Tania Regina Oshiro
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