Hard Skills Required for Project Managers in the post-pandemic period

COVID-19 contributions in changing professional profile



Project Management, Hard Competencies, Covid-19


The COVID-19 Pandemic has brought unthinkable changes in the most diverse work environments. In the project management field, this premise is not different. This new way to work required new soft and hard competencies to allow the continuity of the projects. The methodological aspects of this research comprised a Systematic Literature Review to raise new competencies required for project managers in the pandemic and post-pandemic era. As a result, 25 hard competencies were identified and a framework with temporal evolution of these competencies was proposed. The discussion inferred the main ways the COVID-19 pandemic contributes to changing the professional profile of project managers, requiring new hard skills. In conclusion, this work presents a theoretical framework that may help managers and academicals by providing a deep understanding of the temporal evolution of the hard competencies required for project managers in pandemic and post-pandemic periods. Regarding practical impacts, this study provides insights that may help organisations strengthen their project manager’s capacity during future crises and unforeseen significant changes.

Biografia do Autor

Paulo Pissardini, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Paulo Pissardini is Bachelor, Specialist, Master and currently, PhD Candidate at the Federal University of São Carlos. His main research interests include Production Planning and Control, Industry 4.0, Smart Industrial Products and Strategic Paradigms of Manufacturing Management as Quick Response Manufacturing, Lean Manufacturing and Mass Customisation. 

Angélica Moretti, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo - Campus Pirituba

Angélica Moretti é bacharel em Ciência de Dados e Especialista em Gestão de Projetos. Seus principais interesses em pesquisa incluem liderança e perfil de gestores de projetos.


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Como Citar

Pissardini, P., & Moretti, A. (2023). Hard Skills Required for Project Managers in the post-pandemic period: COVID-19 contributions in changing professional profile. Revista De Inovação E Tecnologia - RIT, 13(2), 16–28. Recuperado de https://rit.openjournalsolutions.com.br/index.php/rit/article/view/103